Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dad, my sister, brother, and sisters boyfriend got here early Saturday morning. I honestly think this has been the most surreal week I have ever experienced. Two weeks ago I did not know my father and had no feelings on if I wanted to or not. Wednesday June 10 changed everything. It started out pretty normal I had a ton of things to do. Early that morning we received news that my husbands grandfather had cancer so we began to make plans to go to Arkansas. I went to church to deliver the evening meal and ask for prayer.

I came back home and called my mom I can't even remember what I was calling her for. I could tell something was not right when she got on the phone. She told me that my aunt had been on facebook and found my biological father. Mom gave me phone numbers and email addresses for a few of his family members and we hung up. I sat there in shock what should I do? I wanted so bad to call right then but what do you say? I was at a complete loss for what to do. I called and talked for a few minutes with one of my sisters and began the wait to hear from him.

I sent an email the next morning and spoke to an uncle and my grandfather it was all so crazy. I added my dad on facebook on Thursday and shortly after received a message from him. we talked for a few min online then I called him again. We spoke for a little while that day and since then spent several hours a day talking. It has been an amazing time getting to know him.

Early Saturday morning he finally got here I talked to him on the phone most of his way into Oklahoma and couldn't believe he was finally here. We have spent the last two days together and we have another week to go. I have been handing things pretty well. I have only had two times where I felt like it was all too much. Yesterday there were a lot of people and new family members over and I had to get away for a few minutes to get my bearings. Today we all went to the lake and after a few hours and I had to leave early. I was having a great time but I was beginning to get tired and needed a little bit of time alone.

I am so happy to have been given this chance after so many years. I am not really sure where this is all gonna lead. I know that I don't wanna ever let my new family go again. I am so blessed to have been given this chance to spend time with my dad.

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